Payment solutions for
your business in just 1 hour
with fraud protection

Attract customers from anywhere in the world using
alternative and secure payment methods today

Start accepting payments
high risk credit card processor

Payment solutions for
your business in just 1 hour
with fraud protection

Attract customers from anywhere in the world using
alternative and secure payment methods today

Start accepting payments
high risk credit card processor

Payment solutions for
your business in just 1 hour
with fraud protection

Attract customers from anywhere in the world using
alternative and secure payment methods today

Start accepting payments
high risk credit card processor

BPay - a dynamically
developing company
in the field of P2P processing

We create convenient and secure payment solutions
for business, taking into account its technical and financial
capabilities in accepting payments

With BPay you can conduct transactions on websites and other internet
projects with minimal commission, regardless of its geography

credit card processing high risk

Start accepting payments

Why businesses choose BPay
for accepting online payments?

high risk merchant processing


accepting payments
for your goods

Fast and convenient integration
of the payment system to your site

1 curl --location '' \
2 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
3 --data '{
4     "m": 1642,
5     "o": "ORDER-772",
6     "oa": 10000,
7     "cr": "UAH",
8     "s": "SIGNATURE",
9     "method_id": "TESTB_UAH",
10    "success_url": "",
11    "fail_url": ""
View documentation
accepting payments
for your goods

Fast and convenient integration
of the payment system to your site

View documentation
1 curl --location '' \
2 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
3 --data '{
4     "m": 1642,
5     "o": "ORDER-772",
6     "oa": 10000,
7     "cr": "UAH",
8     "s": "SIGNATURE",
9     "method_id": "TESTB_UAH",
10    "success_url": "",
11    "fail_url": ""
high risk payment gateway

payment form

Request demo

Customizable payment form with dispute system

We understand the uniqueness of each project and the variety of requirements for payment processing. Our platform provides extensive customization capabilities, allowing you to adapt payment solutions in accordance with the individual features of the brand and customer preferences.


In case of an error, users can contact
us, thereby reducing the volume of
requests to your support service.

From corporate style elements to order processes
we provide the flexibility necessary
to create a unique user experience.

payment gateway high risk

personal account

Request demo

Personal Account Functionality

The personal account provides a wide range of functionality for effective control over your finances and operations. Let's consider the key features:

Instant access to transaction statusesAnalysis of the number of transactions conductedGraphical representation of statistics for each solutionInstant access to balancesConvenient and safe replenishmentWithdrawal of funds from the cash register from the personal accountCash register setup
Personal account
high risk payment processor

24/7 support
+ Telegram Bot


Telegram Bot

For prompt and convenient interaction with
our clients, we have implemented our own
telegram bot, which provides fast and
efficient processing of requests

Application #47188


Thank you for your application!

Application #47188
has been processed!

The payment has been made to the specified details
high risk payment gateway



Conversion for our
solutions reaches 95%,
which is a benchmark
indicator in the market

high risk merchant

Payments without

Explore GEO

As one of the key players in the industry, we have established our influence in South Asia and the CIS countries

Our solutions allow companies to accept payments from customers in various corners of the planet, promoting business expansion and exploration of new markets. Thanks to the support of multiple currencies and localization capabilities, we provide companies with effective tools for successful entry into the global market.

We will connect your GEO upon request

BPay provides a high level of
loyalty for different business sectors

Choose the direction of your project and learn detailed conditions for
connecting it to the payment system today

BPay payment solutions will solve
all your payment processing issues!

Working with us, you can calmly focus on other aspects
of your business development and automatically receive payment from customers.

Get pricing for your business

Min/Max PayIn
Min/Max PayOut
Traffic type
PayIn Fee
PayOut Fee
Settlement USDT
Settlement period

Payment solutions in
the field of internet acquiring

BikiniPay is not a bank or a payment system, payments, transfers and storage
of funds are carried out by licensed partner banks.

Connect@BPay_managerConnect[email protected]